Welcome to Poem-a-Day

These poems
they are things that I do
in the dark
reaching for you
whoever you are
are you ready?

 —June Jordan, from "These Poems"

Thank you for subscribing to Poem-a-Day and joining the more than 325,000 poetry lovers around the world reading this one-of-a-kind daily digital poetry series.

Poem-a-Day features more than 250 new, previously unpublished poems on weekdays and 100 classic poems on the weekends. It is produced by the Academy of American Poets, a nonprofit, charitable organization that champions poets and poetry. Weekday selections are curated by guest editors, who include poets from across the country.

We hope you enjoy spending a few minutes of your day engaging with poetry and the possibilities of language to bring us closer together.

—The Academy of American Poets

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