Reverse Sentence Order gamemaker

create event: 

msg = "one two three for five"; //string to split
reversed="";//initialize string
splits[0]="";//initialize array
splitBy = " "; //string to split the first string by
slot = 0;//starting slot
str2 = ""; //var to hold the current split we're working on building

for (var i = 1; i < (string_length(msg)+1); i++)
currStr = string_copy(msg, i, 1);//get character 1 by 1
if (currStr == splitBy)//split if [space] found
splits[slot] = str2; //add this split to the array of all splits
str2 = "";
str2 = str2 + currStr;
splits[slot] = str2;//add last word
//add back to a new string

for(var i = slot; i >-1 ; i -= 1)//start a number of slots and reduce i by one each loop
reversed+=splits[i]+" ";

draw event:


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