
Showing posts from 2019Show all
【Vue js】  lottie body movin
【Vue js】 router scroll to anchor tags
【Vue.js】retains parameters even when the browser's back button is pressed
【Vue.js】 identify or classify image using mobilenet and tensorflow js
【Vue.js】 Implementation of file name upload with javascript
【Vue js】 Change the Hue of a RGB Color in javascript
【Vue js】 image coordinate color picker
【Vue】 web harp
【Vue】Video and canvas quotes generator
【Vue】Moon or Lunar phases according  to date
Typing Spped with WPM(word per minutes)   【Vue】
【Vue】Schema or API driven form prototype
【Vue】custom select input component
【Vue】 custom input components
animate multiple images using  vue
memes creator or maker vue javascript
【Vue】 Resizing local images with Native File System API javascript
【Vue】 Implement a function to select images like Google Photos
transpose text with delimiter vue javascript
XML syntax Validator vuejs
multiline Converts seconds to human readable time vue javascript
multiline HMS to Seconds to HMS vue javascript
real time filtered by time radio button with Vue
export raw word xml to zip word docx jszip vue javascript
multiline Seconds to Hours:Minutes:Seconds vue javascript
vue multiline hex to cmyk javascript
real time filtered by time select box with Vue
ASCII Code to Text Converter
Chain radio button with Vue
Chain select box with Vue
Text to ASCII converter vuejs
Chain check box with Vue js
Detect "vue-clickaway" when clicking outside the element
word search generator game vuejs
simple tool One Click Copy Emoji
vuejs Minimal YouTube Thumbnail Downloader
vuejs wordpress like drag and drop upload
Quick convert XML to Excel
Create a UI that can be moved easily with Vue.js and SVG
shelf location system Vue
gamemaker two separate views
gamemaker gorilla, worms, angry bird type game
tetradic color scheme online Calculates the colors of the tetradic  scheme for a given color
vue javascript  Generate Custom Color pallete
vue javascript Complementary color online Calculates the complementary color
Triad color scheme online Calculates the colors of the triad scheme for a given color
[javascript] vuejs Invert a color online Invert a color, black becomes white, white becomes black, blue becomes orange and so on , So lets start play with colors
vuejs monochromatic-colors-generator javasccript
gamemaker Mini Golf Game
move file to the trash to delete vuejs [javascript]
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vuejs export html to word javascript
vuejs export html to excel
jExcel is a lightweight vanilla javascript plugin to create amazing web-based interactive tables and spreadsheets compatible with Excel or any other spreadsheet software
gamemaker spawner
vuejs svg or css animate png
GameMaker Dodge the Barrels
vuejs Replace any character that is not a digit or a period
Vue.js Multiple File Upload
GameMaker Circular cooldown
[vuejs] game cooldown timers
[vuejs] Round big numbers 10000 -> 10k
vuejs insert a new line between all dots and Capital Letter in Javascript
【Vue js】simple progressive Horizontal Timeline
【Vue js】Cropping images with download
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Online tool to convert a text from latin (romanization) characters to katakana,hiragana vuejs
Bootstrap Flexbox List/Grid Toggle Vuejs
How to create a file and generate a download
vuejs display how it should be pronounced in Japanese.
vuejs Autocomplete on an Input Field
This cookies records how many times the visitor has visited the page and writes to the page accordingly.
Gallery Laravel and vuejs
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candidates votes prototype
clock type vuejs
alarm clock vuejs
 vuejs days left in this Month.
vuejs Dynamically checks and unchecks all the checkboxes
vuejs Unlockable Levels Select Screen
 gamemaker Unlockable Levels Select Screen
Vuejs Countdown Timer - Digital
Gamemaker Bubble Sort
only popup once per day using cookies vuejs
Particle Fire Effect Gamemaker
auto-tab vuejs
click the object once game maker studio
cookie stuffer id-tracker
A simple recurring events calendar with VueJS
Web Audio API Note Tone Generator
 Vue shopping cart
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vuejs School Monthly Attendance System
vue router dynamically add more routes
real estate agency company vuejs prototype
polymorphic inventory vuejs
Inventory: Handle expiration date
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Inventory System Transaction checkin and checkout vuejs