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Anonymous said...

2 THE 8 C's OF A BUSINESS LETTER Chapter The Business Letter is the most widely or commonly used form of external written communication. With the various intentions a business correspondent has in writing a business letter, one finds difficulty in giving a precise definition of a business letter. Indeed, how can there be a specific meaning of a business letter when it serves many purposes. Itseeks to explain, to sell, to introduce, to apologize, to invite, to refuse, to promise, to complain, and to organize. However, despite its uncertainty in meaning, it is easier to give judgment on it. You can easily determine whether it is a good or bad letter or it has been written well or poorly. The yardstick you carn use in judging the quality of a letter is the 8 C's or eight characteristics of a business letter, namely clearness, courtesy cheerfulness, consideration, character, conciseness, correctness, and concreteness. To be effective, every letter regardless of its purpose must have all these qualities. Clarity What is the main idea of the letter? Does the letter clearly convey the message? These are the questions you may ask to test the clearness of a business letter. If at the time of writing your mind is cluttered or is not properly set on the act of writing, you can never produce a clear letter because clear writing always results from clear thinking. Writing with cluttered mind means writing with the intention to gain praises, rather than to explain something. Remember one cardinal principle in business letter writing is - Write to express not to impress. The focus of this kind of writing is the reader, not the writer. If your priority in writing is to impress, you will become unmindful of the impact of the language of your letter on the reader. This will result in an unclear letter enough to create confusion in the mind of the reader, who,

Anonymous said...

because of his doubts, can not immediately make decisions during his first reading of the letter How then can you achieve clarity in business writing? Consider the following ways to produce a letter with clarit 1. Think first before you write. Before writing the first sentence of your letter, decide and organize your thoughts about the focus, the reason, and the beginning of your letter. For example, you may ask yourself these questions: Why am I writing this? How will I begin my letter? What will I stress or emphasize in my letter? Business-letter writing is a composition writing that involves three stages: Pre-writing, Writing, and Post-writing Pre-writing Stage. This is the first step in writing that will make you plan or think about the information your letter should convey to the reader. You can generate ideas for the body of your letter through the following pre-writing strategies: A. 1. Brainstorming session - writing on a piece of paper every idea that comes to your mind regarding your topic Group discussions - filling up your mind with ideas that result from your exchanging of ideas or opinions with your classmates. Reading-collecting data about your topic from the reading materials in the library Semantic webbing or clustering-writing your ideas in circles that are ordered away from bigger topics placed at the centermost part of the paper Mapping-illustrating or drawing on a piece of paper your concepts or ideas related to the topic

Anonymous said...

Outlining - classifying your ideas into major and minor ideas; the smaller concepts falling under the 6. bigger ones diagram your ideas about your topic. topic. 7. Charting putting in a line graph, table, or any Interviewing- asking people questions about your 8. Listing- writing every idea that comes into your mind about your topic in a column on a piece of 9. paper 10. Looping or free-writing - writing your ideas in a paragraph without paying attention to language errors cropping up during the writing act. You are now in knowledge society where there is an extensive use of technology, Internet, and English. Some say this is the Era of Information Technology. Hence, presently your data collection for the body of your letter does not happen only in libraries but also through the following electronic tools of communication: 1. Electronic searches. If you are familiar with the w.w.w. (world wide web), you will be amazed by the extensive or abundant knowledge the web can offer you in relation to your topic. To reach a particular web site, you have to use one of these web search tools: Search Engine Alta Vista Google Go Lycos Excite Yahoo WebCrawler Address

Anonymous said... Electric Library InfoSeek Internet Services List islist Electronic databases. A database consists of a set of data accessible to computers. Using a computer, you can-"scan electronic indexes that list thousands of bibliographic sources, abstracts, and texts." (Wyrick, 2002)Unlike a web search that exposes you to v amount of knowledge about a topic, a database search gives you a delimited knowledge by subject area. The following are some of the computerized databases found in libraries: 2. ast ERIC (Education Resource Information Center) NTIC (National Technical Information Center) SCI SEARCH (Science Citation Index) MLA (Modern Language Association Bibliography) OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) Intranets. This is an electronic tool for communication 3. inside a business company for accessing information, exchanging ideas, forming decisions, and making nquiries. Extranet. Intranet is used for communicating with people inside the company; extranet, outside the company. This happens when the company tries to get in touch with people who have something to do with the operation, production, and marketing system of the company 4. On-line Survey. This is an electronically constructed questionnaire that is designed to know the respondents thoughts and feelings about a certain topic. It is similar to a paper questionnaire except that the reading and answering of questions including the collecting o responses are done through a computer. 5.

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