Privacy Policy for Arithmetic Arena

Privacy Policy for Arithmetic Arena

Last updated: October 3, 2023

1. Introduction

Welcome to Arithmetic Arena, the math challenge app that respects your privacy. We are committed to offering a seamless experience without collecting or storing any of your personal data. This privacy policy serves to affirm our commitment to your privacy.

2. Data Collection

We Do Not Collect Data: Arithmetic Arena does not gather, store, or share any personal or performance data. The app operates entirely without transmitting data to any servers or third-party services.

3. Permissions

The app may request certain permissions on your device, such as access to the internet for updates or sound settings for in-app audio. No personal data is accessed or stored in relation to these permissions.

4. Third-Party Services

Arithmetic Arena does not incorporate any third-party analytics tools, ad services, or data collection tools.

5. Changes to This Policy

Should our policy or app features change in the future, updates will be clearly communicated on this page and within the app itself. However, our commitment to a no-data-collection approach remains central to our mission.

6. Contact Us

If you have any questions or require further clarification about our privacy stance:

  • Email:

Remember, even if an app doesn't collect data, it's still crucial to inform users about this to build trust and transparency.

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