Livewire 3.0 is officially out!

Hey Livewire friends,

Just wanted to let you know that Livewire 3.0 is out of beta and has been officially released!

You can install it here:

Or upgrade your app here:

The best way to see "what's new in V3" is to watch my Laracon on YouTube.

Whew, what a journey. This is something I've been working towards for almost two years.

Quick thought spew:

I imagined I would feel relieved when v3 officially came out, but what I mostly feel is: free.

For the first time in two years, I feel "unblocked" and able to tackle something new or even nothing at all. And let me tell you, it feels goooood.

The world is my oyster.

That said, I think it's important to note that feeling of freedom is fleeting. Maintaining Livewire on GitHub is nearly a full-time job again. Womp...

Anyhow, a huge thank you to all of you for using this software and supporting me in my quest to improve it.

Much love,


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