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【GAMEMAKER】Branching Dialogue
Information about object: obj_diag_set_up_and_splash
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
No Physics Object
Create Event:
execute code: ///set up array to hold data // 1 question // 2 answer a // 3 answer b // 4 answer a target [0 is none] // 5 answer b target [0 is none] global.diag[1,1]="Are you in a good mood?"; global.diag[1,2]="Yes, I'm in great mood."; global.diag[1,3]="No, I'm sad."; global.diag[1,4]=2; global.diag[1,5]=3; global.diag[2,1]="That's great!#Would you like#some cheese?"; global.diag[2,2]="Yyes, I love cheese."; global.diag[2,3]="No. I'll pass."; global.diag[2,4]=4; global.diag[2,5]=5; global.diag[3,1]="Too bad.#Can I sing#you a song?"; global.diag[3,2]="Yes. Sing me a#shanty song."; global.diag[3,3]="No. I'd rather you didn't."; global.diag[3,4]=6; global.diag[3,5]=7; global.diag[4,1]="Brie or stilton?"; global.diag[4,2]="Brie, please."; global.diag[4,3]="Stilton, please."; global.diag[4,4]=10; global.diag[4,5]=8; global.diag[5,1]="How about some gold?"; global.diag[5,2]="Yes, i'm after gold."; global.diag[5,3]="No, i have enough already."; global.diag[5,4]=11; global.diag[5,5]=14; global.diag[6,1]="Yo ho ho &#a bottle of rum.#Want some rum?"; global.diag[6,2]="Yes. Hmm rum."; global.diag[6,3]="No. I don't drink."; global.diag[6,4]=15; global.diag[6,5]=12; global.diag[7,1]="OK. Want to go fishing?"; global.diag[7,2]="Yes. Sounds good!"; global.diag[7,3]="No. Fishing is boring."; global.diag[7,4]=9; global.diag[7,5]=13; global.diag[8,1]="Yuck! I prefer brie.##[r to restart]"; global.diag[8,2]=""; global.diag[8,3]=""; global.diag[8,4]=0; global.diag[8,5]=0; global.diag[9,1]="Awesome! I'll get my rod.##[r to restart]"; global.diag[9,2]=""; global.diag[9,3]=""; global.diag[9,4]=0; global.diag[9,5]=0; global.diag[10,1]="Great choice!##[r to restart]"; global.diag[10,2]=""; global.diag[10,3]=""; global.diag[10,4]=0; global.diag[10,5]=0; global.diag[11,1]="Here's 1,000 coins.##[r to restart]"; global.diag[11,2]=""; global.diag[11,3]=""; global.diag[11,4]=0; global.diag[11,5]=0; global.diag[12,1]="Probably for the best!##[r to restart]"; global.diag[12,2]=""; global.diag[12,3]=""; global.diag[12,4]=0; global.diag[12,5]=0; global.diag[13,1]="OK be boring then!##[r to restart]"; global.diag[13,2]=""; global.diag[13,3]=""; global.diag[13,4]=0; global.diag[13,5]=0; global.diag[14,1]="No gold! Your choice.##[r to restart]"; global.diag[14,2]=""; global.diag[14,3]=""; global.diag[14,4]=0; global.diag[14,5]=0; global.diag[15,1]="Don't drink too much!##[r to restart]"; global.diag[15,2]="Continue"; global.diag[15,3]=""; global.diag[15,4]=16; global.diag[15,5]=0; global.diag[16,1]="Maybe just have a coffee.##[r to restart]"; global.diag[16,2]=""; global.diag[16,3]=""; global.diag[16,4]=0; global.diag[16,5]=0; global.message=1;; room_goto(room_dialogue); Information about object: obj_button_oneSprite: spr_button
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectMouse Event for Left Released:execute code: ///Example Do Something - ie choose yes to question 5 if global.message==5 {; } //for every click global.message=global.diag[global.message,4];Draw Event:execute code: if global.diag[global.message,2]!="" { var width=string_width(global.diag[global.message,2]); if width>50 // adjust image size if a long text option { var size=(250+(width-50))/250 image_xscale=size; } draw_self(); draw_set_font(font_message); draw_set_halign(fa_center); draw_set_valign(fa_middle); draw_set_colour(c_black); draw_text(x,y,global.diag[global.message,2]); }Information about object: obj_button_twoSprite: spr_button
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectMouse Event for Left Pressed:execute code: global.message=global.diag[global.message,5];Draw Event:execute code: if global.diag[global.message,3]!="" { var width=string_width(global.diag[global.message,3]); if width>50 // adjust image size if a long text option { var size=(250+(width-50))/250 image_xscale=size; } draw_self(); draw_set_font(font_message); draw_set_halign(fa_center); draw_set_valign(fa_middle); draw_set_colour(c_black); draw_text(x,y,global.diag[global.message,3]); }Information about object: obj_show_messageSprite: spr_message_bg
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectStep Event:execute code: if keyboard_check_released(ord('R')) { game_restart(); }Draw Event:execute code: draw_self(); draw_set_font(font_message_big); draw_set_halign(fa_center); draw_set_valign(fa_middle); draw_set_colour(c_black); draw_text(x,y,global.diag[global.message,1]);Information about object: obj_gold_hudSprite:
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectDraw Event:execute code: draw_set_font(font_message_big); draw_set_halign(fa_center); draw_set_valign(fa_middle); draw_set_colour(c_black); draw_text(room_width/2,room_height-50,"Gold: "+string(;
【GAMEMAKER】Boss Battle
Information about object: obj_pirate
Sprite: spr_pirate_idle
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
No Physics Object
Create Event:
execute code: slot=4; alarm[0]=global.game_speed; alarm[1]=room_speed*5; //scatter bombs alarm[2]=room_speed*8; //throw sword alarm[3]=room_speed*10; //jump up dir=choose("left","right");
Alarm Event for alarm 0:
execute code: ///drop a bomb / fruit & increase speed global.game_speed--; if global.game_speed<2 global.game_speed=2; alarm[0]=global.game_speed; drop=choose("bomb","fruit","fruit"); if drop=="bomb" { var bomb=instance_create(slot*64,120,obj_bomb); bomb.direction=270; bomb.speed=2; //audio_play_sound(choose(snd_ar_1,snd_ar_2),1,false); } if drop=="fruit" { var fruit=instance_create(slot*64,120,obj_fruit); fruit.direction=270; fruit.speed=2; //audio_play_sound(snd_bonus_coming,1,false); }
execute code: ///reset alarm alarm[0]=global.game_speed;
execute code: ///move //weigh it to move away from edge if slot==11 dir="left"; if slot==1 dir="right"; //choose next direction - wieghed to move in same direction dir=choose("left","right",dir,dir); if dir=="left" { image_xscale=-1; slot--; } if dir=="right" { image_xscale=1; slot++; } //keep in range if slot<1 slot=1; if slot>11 slot=11;
Alarm Event for alarm 1:
execute code: ///send bomb scatter alarm[1]=room_speed*5; var loop; for (loop = 210; loop < 350; loop += 15) { //audio_play_sound(choose(snd_ar_3,snd_ar_4),1,false); var bomb=instance_create(x,y,obj_scatter_bomb); bomb.direction=loop; bomb.speed=3; }
Alarm Event for alarm 2:
execute code: alarm[2]=room_speed*8; //throw sword var sword=instance_create(x,y,obj_enemy_sword); sword.direction=point_direction(x,y,obj_player.x,obj_player.y); sword.speed=5;
Alarm Event for alarm 3:
execute code: ///jump up sprite_index=spr_pirate_jump; image_speed=0.5; image_index=0; alarm[3]=room_speed*10;
Step Event:
execute code: ///move to position slot move_towards_point(64*slot,y,4); //stop if x==64*slot { dir="idle"; speed=0; }
execute code: ///sprite control if sprite_index==spr_pirate_jump && image_index>=15 { sprite_index=spr_pirate_idle; image_index=0; image_speed=1; }
Collision Event with object obj_player_sword:
execute code: if sprite_index==spr_pirate_jump { global.enemyhp-=5; //audio_play_sound(choose(snd_pirate_ouch_1,snd_pirate_ouch_2),1,false); } with (other) instance_destroy();
Information about object: obj_player_swordSprite: spr_sword_player
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectCreate Event:execute code: motion_set(180,1); ang=0;//initial angle sw=0;//for sine wave move_angle=40;Step Event:execute code: ///rotate && check if outside room sw += pi/30;//for sine wave - ie speed angle=sin(sw) * move_angle;//for sine wave image_angle=angle+225; if y<0 instance_destroy();Information about object: obj_bombSprite: spr_bomb
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectStep Event:execute code: if y>room_height instance_destroy(); Information about object: obj_playerSprite: spr_player_left
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectCreate Event:execute code: slot=4; idle=0; left=1; right=2 dir=left; can_shoot=true;Alarm Event for alarm 0:execute code: can_shoot=true;Step Event:execute code: ///movement && shoot if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_left) && slot>1 { slot--; dir=left; move_towards_point(64*slot,y,4); } if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_right) && slot<11 { slot++; dir=right; move_towards_point(64*slot,y,4); } //keep in range if slot<1 slot=1; if slot>11 slot=11; //stop if x==64*slot { dir=idle; speed=0; } //make a sword if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_up) && can_shoot { can_shoot=false; alarm[0]=room_speed; var sword=instance_create(x,y,obj_player_sword); sword.direction=90; sword.speed=5; }execute code: ///animation if dir=left sprite_index=spr_player_left; if dir=right sprite_index=spr_player_right;Collision Event with object obj_bomb:execute code: global.p1hp-=1; //audio_play_sound(choose(snd_laugh_1,snd_laugh_2),1,false); with(other) instance_destroy();Collision Event with object obj_fruit:execute code: global.enemyhp-=1; //audio_play_sound(snd_bonus,1,false); with(other) instance_destroy();Collision Event with object obj_scatter_bomb:execute code: global.p1hp-=1; //audio_play_sound(choose(snd_ouch,snd_ouch_2,snd_ouch_3),1,false); with(other) instance_destroy();Collision Event with object obj_enemy_sword:execute code: global.p1hp-=5; //audio_play_sound(snd_ouch_4,1,false); with (other) instance_destroy();Information about object: obj_fruitSprite: spr_fruit
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectCreate Event:execute code: irandom(image_number-1); image_speed=0;Step Event:execute code: if y>room_height instance_destroy(); Information about object: obj_scatter_bombSprite: spr_bomb_mini
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectStep Event:execute code: ///destroy off screen if y>room_height instance_destroy();Information about object: obj_enemy_swordSprite: spr_sword_enemy
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectCreate Event:execute code: motion_set(180,1); ang=0;//initial angle sw=0;//for sine wave move_angle=40;Step Event:execute code: ///rotate && check if outside room sw += pi/30;//for sine wave - ie speed angle= sin(sw) * move_angle;//for sine wave image_angle=angle+45; if y>room_height instance_destroy();Information about object: obj_hudSprite:
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 20
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectStep Event:execute code: if global.p1hp<0 { global.message="Enemy Wins"; // for gameover screen room_goto(room_game_over); } if global.enemyhp<0 { global.message="Player Wins"; // for gameover screen room_goto(room_game_over); }Draw Event:execute code: draw_rectangle_colour(0, 0, room_width, room_height, c_blue, c_blue, c_white, c_white, false);Draw GUI Event:execute code: ///draw hp //hp player draw_rectangle_colour(334,10,334-(global.p1hp*2),30,c_green,c_red,c_red,c_green,false); draw_set_colour(c_red); draw_rectangle(334,10,334-200,30,true); //draw enemy draw_rectangle_colour(434,10,434+(global.enemyhp*2),30,c_red,c_green,c_green,c_red,false); draw_set_colour(c_red); draw_rectangle(434,10,434+200,30,true); //draw text draw_set_font(font_mini); draw_set_colour(c_black); draw_set_halign(fa_center); draw_set_valign(fa_middle); draw_text(234,20,"Player HP"); draw_text(534,20,"Enemy HP"); draw_text(room_width/2,620,"Arrow Keys To Move And Fire - Shoot Enemy (when jumping)#Collect Fruit - Avoid Bombs"); Information about object: obj_splashSprite:
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectCreate Event:execute code: ///set up global.p1hp=100; global.enemyhp=100; global.game_speed=150; room_goto(room_game);Keyboard Event for <Left> Key:execute code: global.p1hp-=1;Keyboard Event for <Right> Key:execute code: global.p1hp+=1;Information about object: obj_game_overSprite:
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectCreate Event:execute code: alarm[0]=room_speed*5;Alarm Event for alarm 0:execute code: game_restart();Draw Event:execute code: draw_text(200,200,global.message);
【GAMEMAKER】Frogger Game Remake
Information about object: obj_parent
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
No Physics Object
Step Event:
execute code: //wrap around room if x<-(sprite_width/2) x=(room_width+1)+(sprite_width/2); if x>(room_width+1)+(sprite_width/2) x=-(sprite_width/2);
Information about object: obj_car_1Sprite: spr_car_1
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Parent: obj_parent
Mask: No Physics ObjectCreate Event:execute code: motion_set(180,2);Information about object: obj_car_2Sprite: spr_car_2
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Parent: obj_parent
Mask: No Physics ObjectCreate Event:execute code: motion_set(0,2);Information about object: obj_car_3Sprite: spr_car_3
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Parent: obj_parent
Mask: No Physics ObjectCreate Event:execute code: motion_set(0,2);Information about object: obj_car_4Sprite: spr_car_4
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Parent: obj_parent
Mask: No Physics ObjectCreate Event:execute code: motion_set(180,2);Information about object: obj_borderSprite: spr_border
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectInformation about object: obj_waterSprite: spr_water
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 20
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectInformation about object: obj_wood_leftSprite: spr_wood
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Parent: obj_wood_parent
Mask: No Physics ObjectCreate Event:execute code: motion_set(180,3);Information about object: obj_wood_rightSprite: spr_wood
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Parent: obj_wood_parent
Mask: No Physics ObjectCreate Event:execute code: motion_set(0,3);Information about object: obj_wood_parentSprite:
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Parent: obj_parent
obj_wood_right No Physics ObjectInformation about object: obj_frogSprite: spr_frog
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: -30
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectStep Event:execute code: //movement if (keyboard_check(vk_left)) {x-=5;} if (keyboard_check(vk_right)) {x+=5;} if (keyboard_check(vk_up)) {y-=5;} if (keyboard_check(vk_down)) {y+=5;} //check if game won if (place_meeting(x,y,obj_win) and not place_meeting(x,y,obj_croc)) { show_message("You win"); game_restart(); } //check if collision with croc if (place_meeting(x,y,obj_croc)) { show_message("You die"); game_restart(); } //check if car collision, border, or water & not log if (place_meeting(x,y,obj_car_1) or place_meeting(x,y,obj_car_2) or place_meeting(x,y,obj_car_3) or place_meeting(x,y,obj_car_4) or place_meeting(x,y,obj_border)) or (place_meeting(x,y,obj_water) and not place_meeting(x,y,obj_wood_parent)) { show_message("You die"); game_restart(); } //move left if collide with obj_wood_left if (place_meeting(x,y,obj_wood_left)) { x-=3; } //move right if collide with obj_wood_right if (place_meeting(x,y,obj_wood_right)) { x+=3; } Information about object: obj_winSprite: spr_win
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectInformation about object: obj_crocSprite: spr_croc
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: -25
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectCreate Event:execute code: alarm[0]=3*room_speed;Alarm Event for alarm 0:execute code: x=choose(200,400,600); alarm[0]=3*room_speed;
Visual Studio: Visual C# Ping Example
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
using System.Threading;
namespace Ping_example
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
using (Ping p = new Ping())
listView1.Items.Add(p.Send("").RoundtripTime.ToString() + "ms\n");
// make sure that using System.Runtime.InteropServices; is included
// make sure that using System.Net.NetworkInformation; is included
// make sure that using System.Threading; is included for method Sleep
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I Quit AeroMedLab
Watch now (2 mins) | Today is my last day at AeroMedLab ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ...
- // 1. Enter sheet name where data is to be written below var SHEET_NAME = "Sheet1" ; // 2. Run > setup // // 3....