Last Month Jetstream and Breeze Updated to Inertia v1.0 + Dark Mode for Jetstream The Laravel team released new versions of Jetstream and Breeze in which both starter kits now use Inertia v1.0. Plus, ... Laravel 9.48 Released The Laravel team released 9.48 this week with conditional fragment helpers, HTTP configuration options for Symfony mailers, a new DB ... Laravel Deleted Models Package The Laravel Deleted Models package by Spatie automatically copies deleted models to a separate table. ... Inertia v1.0 is Here The Inertia release of v1.0 is here with SSR support for Svelte, first-class Typescript support for React and Vue, a ... Automatic Docblock Generation on Facades The Laravel team has been working on a tool to automatically generate Docblock generation on Facades included in the Laravel ... Configuring Laravel Pint Laravel Pint is the hot new thing from the Laravel team. An excellent wrapper around PHP CS Fixer that is ... Last Year Automatic Route Discovery in Laravel Laravel Route Discovery is a package by Spatie to discover routes in Laravel applications automatically. ... Create and Send Digest Emails in Laravel The Laravel Digest package is a simple way to convert your emails into configurable digests. ... Avoiding Accidental Email Sends with alwaysTo() Sometimes we accidentally send thousands of emails to real customers from our staging environment. There are lots of ways to ... Laravel Nova 4 - A teaser A big upgrade of Laravel Nova is around the corner and here's what we know. ... Keep Your Environment Files Updated with Envy by Worksome Envy is a package by Worksome designed to take the pain out of syncing environment files with your Laravel project. ... Using Scout APM to Monitor a Laravel Application Scout APM is a Laravel application performance monitoring tool that ties performance anomalies directly to endpoints, saving developers hours of ... Two Years Ago Laravel Breeze Now With Inertia.js Laravel released an Inertia.js option for the Laravel Breeze starter kit that provides a minimal starting point to build Laravel ... AsArrayObject and AsCollection Custom Casts Added in Laravel 8.28 With the release of Laravel 8.28 this week, Taylor Otwell contributed two new custom cast types: AsArrayObject and AsCollection. ... The Tailwind CSS team released a new free course - Tailwind CSS: From Zero to Production The Tailwind CSS team released a brand new free course, Tailwind CSS: From Zero to Production, a new screencast series ... Laravel Spark Next is Here The next version of Laravel Spark is now available. Some of the features include Paddle support and an isolated billing ... Updated: The February Worldwide Laravel Meetup will be held on Monday February 22nd, 2021 The next Laravel Worldwide Meetup is coming Monday, February 22nd, 2021, at 19:00 UTC, and the topics include Dynamic Static ... Efficiently create websites for clients with Statamic Peak Peak is an opinionated starter kit for all your Statamic sites. The kit is design agnostic but comes bundled with ... Free Early Bird Registration for SPOTcon 2021 Now Open SPOTcon 2021 is the latest digital conference for developers from around the world to meet, engage with, and learn about ... The Ultimate Performance Checklist For Laravel Apps Laravel is fast out-of-the-box but you can make it faster if you optimize your configurations and application code. This guide ... Spark Next Demo: A Subscription-Based Application in 10 Minutes Taylor Otwell shared a demo of the next major version of Laravel Spark, going from "laravel new" to a subscription-based ... |