Let's take a closer look at color spaces
You may have remembered we talked about images being stored in RGB (Red Green Blue) color Spaces. Let's take a look at that in OpenCV.
First thing to remember about OpenCV's RGB is that it's BGR (I know, this is annoying)
Let's look at the image shape again. The '3L'
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Let's look at the individual color levels for the first pixel (0,0)
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12 19 34 (415, 622, 3)
Let's see what happens when we convert it to grayscale
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(415, 622) 23
It's now only 2 dimensions. Each pixel coordinate has only one value (previously 3) with a range of 0 to 255
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Another useful color space is HSV
Infact HSV is very useful in color filtering.
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Let's now explore lookng at individual channels in an RGB image
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(415, 622)
You can view a list of color converisons here, but keep in mind you won't ever use or need many of these