Information about object: obj_MapKey
Sprite: spr_Map
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
No Physics Object
Create Event:
execute code: Mapping = false scr_MapNames() //you cannot use the variable "kd" //if you want to use it, change the variable name in the scripts //don't forget to check each of my instances' creation codes. //go to the room I'm in, and ctrl+RightClick one of my instances. //then click "Creation Code." You can see a few of my variables there. //This is so each instance of me has different variable values.
Mouse Event for Left Released:
execute code: //only this key is mapping obj_MapKey.Mapping = false Mapping = true
Draw Event:
execute code: draw_set_halign(fa_center) draw_sprite(sprite_index,-1,x,y) //draw the box draw_text(x-48,y+8,draw_string) //draw the description draw_text(x+112,y+8,draw_mapped) //draw the key draw_set_halign(fa_left) //draw an outline draw_line(x-96,y,x+160,y) draw_line(x-96,y,x-96,y+32) draw_line(x-96,y+32,x+160,y+32) draw_line(x+160,y,x+160,y+32) //if waiting for remap, draw remap info if Mapping { //draw_background(bg_White,272,238) draw_set_halign(fa_center) draw_text(400,260,"Press Desired Key for Action:") draw_text(400,276,draw_string) }
Key Release Event for <any key> Key:
execute code: if Mapping { scr_MapSet() //remap the key pressed }
Information about object: obj_PlayerSprite: spr_A1_W_D
Solid: true
Visible: true
Depth: 1
Persistent: true
Mask: No Physics ObjectCreate Event:execute code: image_speed = 0 //don't animate yetStep Event:execute code: //handle movement //notice how it checks each key based on variable //check the room creation code to see these variables initialized //the variables are reset (remapped) using scr_MapSet - the execute string if keyboard_check(global.DownKey) { //move; set sprite; animate sprite y += 4; sprite_index=spr_A1_W_D; image_speed = .4 } if keyboard_check(global.LeftKey) { x -= 4; sprite_index=spr_A1_W_L; image_speed = .4 } if keyboard_check(global.RightKey) { x += 4; sprite_index=spr_A1_W_R; image_speed = .4 } if keyboard_check(global.UpKey) { y -= 4; sprite_index=spr_A1_W_U; image_speed = .4 } //if he's not moving if !keyboard_check(global.DownKey) && !keyboard_check(global.LeftKey) && !keyboard_check(global.RightKey) && !keyboard_check(global.UpKey) { image_index = 0 //place on first frame of sprite (standing) image_speed = 0 //stop animation //image_single is no longer supported }/////////// //Set Key// /////////// var kk; kk = keyboard_lastkey if kd[kk] != "" { //make sure the key has a name draw_mapped = kd[kk] //set the drawing name to the name if(mapped_var == "global.UpKey"){ global.UpKey = kk } if(mapped_var == "global.DownKey"){ global.DownKey = kk } if(mapped_var == "global.RightKey"){ global.RightKey = kk } if(mapped_var == "global.LeftKey"){ global.RightKey = kk } //execute_string(mapped_var+" = "+string(kk)) //set the variable to the key Mapping = false }////////////////////////// //define each key's name// ////////////////////////// /* This is pretty much just a collection of names for the keys. This way, the user knows what key each thing is set to. */ var m; for (m = 0; m <= 255; m += 1) { //set all keys to nameless kd[m] = "" //only named keys can pass } kd[8] = "Backspace" kd[13] = "Enter Key" kd[16] = "Shift Key" kd[17] = "Control Key" kd[18] = "Alt Key" kd[19] = "Pause/Break" kd[27] = "Escape Key" kd[32] = "Space Key" kd[33] = "Page Up" kd[34] = "Page Down" kd[35] = "End Key" kd[36] = "Home Key" kd[37] = "Left Arrow" kd[38] = "Up Arrow" kd[39] = "Right Arrow" kd[40] = "Down Arrow" kd[45] = "Insert Key" kd[46] = "Delete Key" for (m = 65; m <= 90; m += 1) { //the letter keys kd[m] = chr(m)+" Key" //"A Key", "Z Key" } for (m = 96; m <= 105; m += 1) { //the numpad keys kd[m] = "Numpad "+string(m) //"Numpad 0", "Numpad 9" } kd[106] = "Multiply Key" kd[107] = "Add Key" kd[109] = "Subtract Key" kd[110] = "Decimal Key" kd[111] = "Divide Key" for (m = 112; m <= 123; m += 1) { //the F keys kd[m] = "F"+string(m-1)+" Key" //"F1 Key", "F12 Key" }