Information about object: obj_splash
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
No Physics Object
Create Event:
execute code: //set up globals and goto game room global.player_bombs=0; global.enemy_bombs=0; health=100; global.enemy_health=100; room_goto(room_1_player); Information about object: obj_player_1Sprite: spr_player_1
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: -2
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectCreate Event:execute code: ///setup move_dx = 0; move_dy = 0; move_amt = 0; image_index=0; image_speed=0; can_hurt=true;Alarm Event for alarm 5:execute code: can_hurt=true;Step Event:execute code: ///MOVEMENT if (move_amt > 0) { // moving towards destination if (scr_move(move_dx, move_dy)) { move_amt -= 1; } else move_amt = 0; // if hit a wall, stop moving } else { var spd = 4; // movement speed (grid size should divide by it w/o remainder) move_amt = 32 div spd; // calculate number of steps for movement move_dx = 0; move_dy = 0; if (keyboard_check(vk_left)) && !(position_meeting(x-18,y,obj_wall))//move if only 1 block and pos free { move_dx = -spd; } else if (keyboard_check(vk_right)&& !(position_meeting(x+18,y,obj_wall))) { move_dx = spd; } else if (keyboard_check(vk_up) && (!position_meeting(x,y-18,obj_wall))) { move_dy = -spd; } else if (keyboard_check(vk_down))&& !(position_meeting(x,y+18,obj_wall)) { move_dy = spd; } else move_amt = 0; // don't move if no buttons are pressed }execute code: ///DROP BOMB if (keyboard_check_pressed(ord('Z')) && global.player_bombs>0) { global.player_bombs--; instance_create(x,y,obj_bomb); scr_sound(snd_drop_bomb); }execute code: ///sprite control //move_dx, move_dy if move_dx>0 image_index=3; if move_dx<0 image_index=1; if move_dy>0 image_index=0; if move_dy<0 image_index=2;Collision Event with object obj_ammo:execute code: ///increase no of bombs global.player_bombs+=5; with (other) instance_destroy(); instance_create(5,5,obj_ammo); scr_sound(snd_ammo);Collision Event with object obj_explosion:execute code: if can_hurt { health--; scr_sound(snd_ouch); can_hurt=false; alarm[5]=room_speed;//prevent hurting for one second } Information about object: obj_wallSprite: spr_wall
Solid: true
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectInformation about object: obj_hud_1Sprite:
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: -100
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectStep Event:execute code: ///test lives if health<1 or global.enemy_health<1 { room_goto(room_game_over); }Draw GUI Event:execute code: draw_set_halign(fa_center); draw_text(400,750,"Player 1 - Arrow Keys Move - Z Drop Bomb"); draw_text(20,20,"Plater Health "+string(health)); draw_text(400,20,"Enemy Health "+string(global.enemy_health)); draw_set_halign(fa_left); draw_text(20,50,"Player Bombs "+string(global.player_bombs)); draw_text(20,80,"Enemy Bombs "+string(global.enemy_bombs)); Information about object: obj_bombSprite: spr_bomb
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: -5
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectCreate Event:execute code: move_snap(32,32); life=5; alarm[0]=room_speed/4;Alarm Event for alarm 0:execute code: life--; alarm[0]=room_speed/4;Step Event:execute code: ///create explostion if life==0 { scr_sound(snd_explosion); //create exp at position instance_create(x,y,obj_explosion); //create up if !position_meeting(x,y-32,obj_wall) { instance_create(x,y-32,obj_explosion); if !position_meeting(x,y-64,obj_wall) { instance_create(x,y-64,obj_explosion); if !position_meeting(x,y-96,obj_wall) { instance_create(x,y-96,obj_explosion); } } } //create down if !position_meeting(x,y+32,obj_wall) { instance_create(x,y+32,obj_explosion); if !position_meeting(x,y+64,obj_wall) { instance_create(x,y+64,obj_explosion); if !position_meeting(x,y+96,obj_wall) { instance_create(x,y+96,obj_explosion); } } } //create left if !position_meeting(x-32,y,obj_wall) { instance_create(x-32,y,obj_explosion); if !position_meeting(x-64,y,obj_wall) { instance_create(x-64,y,obj_explosion); if !position_meeting(x-96,y,obj_wall) { instance_create(x-96,y,obj_explosion); } } } //create right if !position_meeting(x+32,y,obj_wall) { instance_create(x+32,y,obj_explosion); if !position_meeting(x+64,y,obj_wall) { instance_create(x+64,y,obj_explosion); if !position_meeting(x+96,y,obj_wall) { instance_create(x+96,y,obj_explosion); } } } instance_destroy(); }Collision Event with object obj_explosion:execute code: life=0;Draw Event:execute code: draw_set_halign(fa_center); draw_set_colour(c_red); draw_self(); draw_text(x,y,life);Information about object: obj_ammoSprite: spr_bomb_crate
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: -30
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectCreate Event:execute code: //jump to a random free position do { var _x = (random(room_width) div 32) * 32; var _y = (random(room_height) div 32) * 32; } until (place_free(_x, _y)); x=_x; y=_y;Information about object: obj_explosionSprite: spr_explosion
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectStep Event:execute code: ///destroy at end if image_index>45 instance_destroy();Information about object: obj_game_overSprite:
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectCreate Event:execute code: alarm[0]=room_speed*10;Alarm Event for alarm 0:execute code: game_restart();Draw Event:execute code: if health<1 { draw_text(100,100,"Enemy Wins"); } else { draw_text(100,100,"Player Wins"); }Information about object: obj_enemySprite: spr_player_2
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectCreate Event:execute code: grid=mp_grid_create(0, 0, room_width div 16, room_height div 16, 16 , 16); mp_grid_add_instances(grid, obj_wall, false); image_speed=0; image_index=0; path=path_add(); mp_grid_path(grid,path,x,y,obj_ammo.x,obj_ammo.y,false); path_start(path,3.5,path_action_stop,true); can_hurt=true;Alarm Event for alarm 0:execute code: //choose a target target=choose("player","random"); if target=="player" { mp_grid_path(grid,path,x,y,obj_player_1.x,obj_player_1.y,false); path_start(path,3.5,path_action_stop,true); alarm[0]=room_speed*5;//prevent sticking exit; } if target=="random" { do//find a free place { var _x = (random(room_width) div 32) * 32; var _y = (random(room_height) div 32) * 32; } until (place_free(_x, _y)); mp_grid_path(grid,path,x,y,_x,_y,false); path_start(path,3.5,path_action_stop,true); alarm[0]=room_speed*8;//prevent sticking }Alarm Event for alarm 5:execute code: can_hurt=true;Step Event:execute code: ///image control if hspeed>0 image_index=3; if hspeed<0 image_index=1; if vspeed>0 image_index=0; if vspeed<0 image_index=2;execute code: ///randomlly drop a bomb rand=irandom(200);//one in 200 chance of dropping a bomb if rand==1 { if global.enemy_bombs>0//check player has bombs { global.enemy_bombs--; instance_create(x,y,obj_bomb); } }Collision Event with object obj_ammo:execute code: ///increase no of bombs global.enemy_bombs+=5; with (other) instance_destroy(); instance_create(5,5,obj_ammo); scr_sound(snd_ammo);Collision Event with object obj_explosion:execute code: if can_hurt { global.enemy_health--; scr_sound(snd_ouch); can_hurt=false; alarm[5]=room_speed;//prevent hurting for one second }Other Event: Game End:execute code: mp_grid_destroy(grid); path_delete(path);Other Event: End Of Path:execute code: ///clear and update grid + drop bomb if global.enemy_bombs>0 { global.enemy_bombs--; instance_create(x,y,obj_bomb); } //grid mp_grid_clear_all(grid); mp_grid_add_instances(grid, obj_wall, false); if global.enemy_bombs<1 { mp_grid_path(grid,path,x,y,obj_ammo.x,obj_ammo.y,false); path_start(path,3.5,path_action_stop,true); alarm[0]=room_speed*5;//prevent sticking exit; } //choose a target target=choose("player","random"); if target=="player" { mp_grid_path(grid,path,x,y,obj_player_1.x,obj_player_1.y,false); path_start(path,3.5,path_action_stop,true); alarm[0]=room_speed*5;//prevent sticking exit; } if target=="random" { do//find a free place { var _x = (random(room_width) div 32) * 32; var _y = (random(room_height) div 32) * 32; } until (place_free(_x, _y)); mp_grid_path(grid,path,x,y,_x,_y,false); path_start(path,3.5,path_action_stop,true); alarm[0]=room_speed*8;//prevent sticking }Draw Event:execute code: draw_self(); draw_path(path,x,y,true);Information about object: obj_view_controlSprite:
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Mask: No Physics ObjectStep Event:execute code: var x1 = obj_player_1.x;//get x position of player 1 var y1 = obj_player_1.y;//get y position of player 1 var x2 = obj_enemy.x;//get x position of player 2 var y2 = obj_enemy.y;//get y position of player 2 var border = 50;//set a border distance var vscale = max(1, abs(x2 - x1) / (view_wport[0]- border * 2), abs(y2 - y1) / (view_hport[0] - border * 2)); //calculte scale needed view_wview[0] = vscale * view_wport[0];//apply scale to view port view_hview[0] = vscale * view_hport[0];//apply scale to view port view_xview[0]= (x1 + x2 - view_wview[0]) / 2;//update view view_yview[0] = (y1 + y2 - view_hview[0]) / 2;//update view