To summarize it all here the sample snippet of code to review how it works to ease your job, numerous repeats code are thrown to the memory to maximize the usage of memory without wasting the amount of memory,
/* ExampleSnippets.txt
** Example code snippets for Up and Running with Underscore.js
--- Iterating data sets
function getStudentInfo(elem, indx, list) {
var container = document.getElementById("container");
var student = "<p>" + elem.firstname + " " + elem.lastname + ", Grade: " + elem.grade + "</p>";
container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML + student;
/* use the "size" property to get number of elements */
numStudentElem = document.getElementById("numstudents");
numStudentElem.innerHTML = numStudentElem.innerHTML + _.size(students);
/* use the each() function to iterate over every element */
_.each(students, getStudentInfo);
--- Filtering data
function getPassingStudents(elem) {
return ((elem.midterm_score + elem.final_score) / 2 > 65);
// check to see if a student did better on their final than on their midterm
function checkImprovement(item) {
return item.final_score > item.midterm_score;
/* use the filter() function to narrow down the list */
var result = _.filter(students, getPassingStudents);
/* use the where() function to select items */
//var result = _.where(students, {"school" : "Thoreau", "grade" : 10});
/* the reject() function is the opposite of filter() */
/* this invocation will return the failing students */
//var result = _.reject(students, getPassingStudents);
// use the every() function to ensure that all of a set of criteria have been met
alert(_.every(students, checkImprovement));
// use the some() function to see if any elements pass the criteria
alert(_.some(students, checkImprovement));
/* now use each() to populate the list */
_.each(result, function(elem, indx, list) {
var container = document.getElementById("container");
var student = "<p>" + elem.firstname + " " + elem.lastname + ", Grade: " + elem.grade + "</p>";
container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML + student;
--- Searching
function searchStudents(item) {
// return true if the student goes to Franklin
if ( === "Franklin")
return true;
/* Test the find() function */
// find the first student that goes to Franklin
var elem = _.find(students, searchStudents);
var container = document.getElementById("container");
var student = "<p>" + elem.firstname + " " + elem.lastname + ", Grade: " + elem.grade + "</p>";
container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML + student;
/* Test the findWhere() function */
// return the first Thoreau student who is a junior
elem = _.findWhere(students, {school : "Thoreau", grade: 11});
var container = document.getElementById("container");
var student = "<p>" + elem.firstname + " " + elem.lastname + ", Grade: " + elem.grade + "</p>";
container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML + student;
// contains() searches a list of values for a value
// pluck() retrieves the values for a given property name
var grades = _.pluck(students,"final_score");
// did anyone get a perfect final?
if (_.contains(grades, 100))
alert("Found a perfect final score!");
--- Sorting and Grouping
function sortStudentsByGrade(item) {
return item.grade;
function groupStudentsBySchool(item) {
function countStudentsByGrade(item) {
if (item.grade == 9)
return "freshmen";
else if (item.grade == 10)
return "sophomores";
else if (item.grade == 11)
return "juniors";
else return "seniors";
/* Sorting by grade */
var sorted = _.sortBy(students, sortStudentsByGrade);
_.each(sorted, getStudentInfo);
/* grouping students by school */
var grouped = _.groupBy(students, groupStudentsBySchool);
for (i in grouped) {
var container = document.getElementById("container");
var school = "<p style='font-weight:bold'>Students that go to: " + i + "</p>";
container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML + school;
_.each(grouped[i], getStudentInfo);
/* Counting the number of students in each grade */
var counts = _.countBy(students, countStudentsByGrade);
for (i in counts) {
var container = document.getElementById("container");
var groups = "<p style='font-weight:bold'>" + i + ": " + counts[i] + "</p>";
container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML + groups;
--- Manipulating
function listGrades(finalGrades) {
_.each(finalGrades, function(elem,indx,list) {
var container = document.getElementById("container");
container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML + elem;
function assignGrades(item) {
var grade = (item.midterm_score + item.final_score) / 2;
var letterGrade;
if (grade <=64)
letterGrade = "F";
else if (grade > 64 && grade <=69)
letterGrade = "D";
else if (grade >= 70 && grade <= 79)
letterGrade = "C";
else if (grade >= 80 && grade <= 89)
letterGrade = "B";
else if (grade >= 90)
letterGrade = "A";
return "<p>" + item.firstname + " " + item.lastname + ": " + letterGrade + "</p>";
// The shuffle() function randomizes the contents of the list
// using an algorithm called the Fisher-Yates shuffle
students = _.shuffle(students);
_.each(students, getStudentInfo);
// the map() function creates a new array based upon each item in the list
// Let's assign letter grades to each one of the students:
var finalGrades =, assignGrades);
--- Array Data
// begin by plucking the midterm scores data from the students list
var midScores = _.pluck(students, "midterm_score");
midScores.sort(); // sort the array
// use the first() and last() functions to extract array data
var container = document.getElementById("container");
var data = "<p>First score is " + _.first(midScores) + "</p>";
data += "<p>Last score is " + _.last(midScores) + "</p>";
container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML + data;
// initial() and rest() can also be used to get data
data = "<p>Initial scores, minus the last 3: " + _.initial(midScores,3) + "</p>";
data += "<p>Rest of the scores, minus the first 3: " +,3) + "</p>";
container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML + data;
--- Array Operations
// Use without() to remove unwanted values from the array
var result = "<p>without(): " + _.without(array1,0,2,3) + "</p>";
container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML + result;
result = "<p>" + _.without(array2,"A","E","I","O","U") + "</p>";
container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML + result;
// Use the union() function to join two arrays together
result = "<p>union(): " + _.union(array1, array2) + "</p>";
container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML + result;
// Use the intersection() function to see what's common to both
result = "<p>intersection(): " + _.intersection(array1, array3) + "</p>";
container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML + result;
// The difference() function shows values not present in other array
result = "<p>difference(): " + _.difference(array1, array3) + "</p>";
container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML + result;
--- Object Information
// given a student object, retrieve the object's keys
var keys = _.keys(students[0]);
container.innerHTML += "<p>The student object contains the keys: " + keys;
// now get the object's values
var values = _.values(students[0]);
container.innerHTML += "<p>The student object contains the values: " + values;
// use the pick() function to get just specific properties
var subsetStudent = _.pick(students[0], "lastname", "grade");
container.innerHTML += "<p>pick() on lastname, grade: " + subsetStudent.lastname + ", " + subsetStudent.grade;
// use the omit() function to filter out properties
var filteredStudent = _.omit(students[0], "midterm_score", "final_score");
container.innerHTML += "<p>omit() on midterm_score, final_score: ";
container.innerHTML += "<blockquote>" + _.keys(filteredStudent) + "</blockquote>";
container.innerHTML += "<blockquote>" + _.values(filteredStudent) + "</blockquote>";
--- Object Operations
// extend each student object with a new property, their average score
container.innerHTML += "<h2>Extending student objects with average_score</h2>";
_.each(students, function(elem, indx, list) {
avg = (elem.midterm_score + elem.final_score) / 2;
_.extend(elem, {"average_score" : avg});
// use the defaults() method to assign default values to an object
container.innerHTML += "<h2>Assigning default values to a new object</h2>";
var defaultValues = {final_score: 0, midterm_score: 0, grade: 9};
var newStudent = {firstname: "John", lastname: "Doe"};
_.defaults(newStudent, defaultValues);
container.innerHTML += "<p>" + newStudent.firstname + " " + newStudent.lastname +
", Midterm: " + newStudent.midterm_score + ", Final: " + newStudent.final_score + "</p>";
// clone() makes a shallow-copy of the object (in other words, properties that
// are arrays or objects will be copied by reference, and not duplicated themselves)
container.innerHTML += "<h2>Cloning an existing object</h2>";
var copyStudent = _.clone(students[0]);
container.innerHTML += "<p>" + copyStudent.firstname + " " + copyStudent.lastname +
", Midterm: " + copyStudent.midterm_score + ", Final: " + copyStudent.final_score + "</p>";
--- Miscellaneous
// create a unique ID, with and without a prefix
log("Using uniqueId() to generate an ID for use in the DOM");
var sID = _.uniqueId();
log("ID with no prefix: " + sID);
var sID = _.uniqueId("prefix_");
log("ID with prefix: " + sID);
// generate a random number
var rand1 = _.random(25); // one argument means between 0 and value
log("random number up to 25: " + rand1);
var rand2 = _.random(100, 200); // generates value within range
log("random number within 100 and 200: " + rand2);
// use the times() function to execute a counter loop
log("using _.times():");
_.times(5, function(n) {log("time " + n)});
// extend Underscore itself using the mixin() function
log("extending Underscore with a capitalize() function:");
capitalize: function(string) {
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.substring(1).toLowerCase();
--- Functions
function doInitialize() {
log("Initialize function! Don't call me more than once!");
// create a function that can't be called more than one time
log("Initialize the app multiple times:")
var initfunc = _.once(doInitialize);
// the throttle() function can be used to limit the number of
// times that a function is executed when called repeatedly
function updateCharCount() {
var elem = document.querySelector("#text1");
document.querySelector("#charcount").textContent = (elem.value).length
updater = _.throttle(updateCharCount,1000);
document.querySelector("#text1").addEventListener("keydown", updater);
// the bind() function binds a function to a given object, which becomes the
// value of the "this" keyword inside the function.
var myObj = {
firstname: "Joe",
lastname: "Marini"
function dumpData1() {
log(this.firstname + " " + this.lastname)
function dumpData2() {
log(this.lastname + ", " + this.firstname)
var func = _.bind(dumpData1, myObj);
func = _.bind(dumpData2, myObj);
--- Templates
var templateString = "<div><span>Name: <%= lastname %></span></div>";
var templateString2 = "<div><span>Name: <% print(lastname.toUpperCase()) %></span></div>";
var studentInfo1 = "<% _.each(students, function(item) { %>" +
"<div class='studentRec " +
"<% (item.midterm_score + item.final_score) / 2 > 65 ? print('passingStudent') : print('failingStudent') %>'>" +
"<span style='font-weight:bold'>Name:</span> <span><%= item.lastname %>, <%= item.firstname %> </span>" +
"<span style='font-weight:bold'>School:</span> <span><%= %></span></div>" +
"<% }); %>";
var studentInfo2 = "<% var grouped = _.groupBy(students, function(item) {return;}); " +
"for (i in grouped) { _.each(grouped[i], function(item) { %>" +
"<div class='studentRec " +
"<% (item.midterm_score + item.final_score) / 2 > 65 ? print('passingStudent') : print('failingStudent') %>'>" +
"<span style='font-weight:bold'>Name:</span> <span><%= item.lastname %>, <%= item.firstname %> </span>" +
"<span style='font-weight:bold'>School:</span> <span><%= %></span></div>" +
"<% })}; %>";
// compile the template string
var compiledTemplate = _.template(templateString);
var compiledTemplate = _.template(templateString2);
// now we can call the template with different data
var result = compiledTemplate({
lastname: "Hossenfeffer"
// to perform a one-off template operation, just pass in the data object
// as the second parameter to the template
var result = _.template(studentInfo1, students);
window.addEventListener("load", function(evt) {
// initialize the event handlers for the navigation controls
document.querySelector("#schoolSelect").addEventListener("change", updateDisplay);
document.querySelector("#sortBy").addEventListener("change", updateDisplay);
document.querySelector("#templateSelect").addEventListener("change", updateDisplay);
document.querySelector("#gr9").addEventListener("click", updateDisplay);
document.querySelector("#gr10").addEventListener("click", updateDisplay);
document.querySelector("#gr11").addEventListener("click", updateDisplay);
document.querySelector("#gr12").addEventListener("click", updateDisplay);
// start by extending the data to average the midterm and final scores
_.each(students, function(elem, indx) {
_.extend(elem, {overall_score : (elem.midterm_score + elem.final_score) / 2});
// lay out the initial display
function updateDisplay() {
var dataset = updateDataSet();
var whichTemplate;
switch (document.querySelector("#templateSelect").selectedIndex) {
case 0:
whichTemplate = studentInfoTable;
case 1:
whichTemplate = studentInfoCards;
updateLayout(whichTemplate, dataset);
function updateDataSet() {
var dataset = students;
// filter for the school selection
var ctrl = document.querySelector("#schoolSelect");
if (ctrl.selectedIndex > 0) {
dataset = _.filter(dataset, function(elem) {
return ( == this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);
}, ctrl);
// sort the data according to the sort parameter
ctrl = document.querySelector("#sortBy");
dataset = _.sortBy(dataset, ctrl.options[ctrl.selectedIndex].value);
// filter out the various grade levels. This code uses the reject() function
// to remove certain groups instead of the filter() function to include groups
if (document.querySelector("#gr9").checked == false) {
dataset = _.reject(dataset, function (item) {return item.grade == 9});
if (document.querySelector("#gr10").checked == false) {
dataset = _.reject(dataset, function (item) {return item.grade == 10});
if (document.querySelector("#gr11").checked == false) {
dataset = _.reject(dataset, function (item) {return item.grade == 11});
if (document.querySelector("#gr12").checked == false) {
dataset = _.reject(dataset, function (item) {return item.grade == 12});
return dataset;
// whenever the user changes the controls, updateLayout re-calculates the display
function updateLayout(useTemplate, newData) {
var result = _.template(useTemplate, {dataset: newData});
document.getElementById("contents").innerHTML = result;
<!-- controls to select the School and Grade levels -->
<div id="row1">
<label for="schoolSelect">Select School</label>
<select id="schoolSelect">
<option value="all" selected>All</option>
<option value="Thoreau">Thoreau</option>
<option value="Franklin">Franklin</option>
<label for="gradeSelect">Select Grade Levels: </label>
<input type="checkbox" name="9" id="gr9" checked="true"> <label for="9">Grade 9</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="10" id="gr10" checked="true"> <label for="10">Grade 10</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="11" id="gr11" checked="true"> <label for="11">Grade 11</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="12" id="gr12" checked="true"> <label for="12">Grade 12</label>
<div id="row2">
<label for="templateSelect">Display Data As: </label>
<select id="templateSelect">
<option value="studentInfoTable" selected>Table</option>
<option value="studentInfoCards">Cards</option>
<label for="sortBy">Sort Students By: </label>
<select id="sortBy">
<option value="midterm_score" selected>Midterm Score</option>
<option value="final_score">Final Score</option>
<option value="overall_score">Overall Score</option>